Activision Blizzard, Inc. (ATVI)

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Activision Blizzard, Inc. is an American company that develops video games for consoles, tablets, and personal computers. The company owns popular franchises, such as Call of Duty, Skylanders, and Destiny. Projects of Activision Blizzard, Inc are extremely successful: in 2011, the company made over $400 million on "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3" in just one day in the UK and the US alone. Another landmark game from Blizzard Entertainment is World of Warcraft, which set a Guinness World Record as the world’s most popular MMORPG game. Among other hits of Blizzard Entertainment are Diablo, Hearthstone, StarCraft, and Heroes of the Storm. King Digital Entertainment, a branch of Activision Blizzard, creates interactive entertainment for mobile devices (Candy Crush, Farm Heroes, Pet Rescue, and Bubble Witch), while Activision Blizzard Studios creates film and television content based on the game universe created by the company. In December 2007, Activision Blizzard, Inc. announced a merger with Vivendi Games — the most famous holding company at that time. In August 2015, Activision Blizzard, Inc joined S&P 500.

ATVI instrument xarakteristikalari

NameActivision Blizzard, Inc. stocks CFD
1 Pip Size0.01
Size of 1 lot100 contracts
Minimum spread (pips)0
Avg. spread (pips)1
Swap short (%)-3
Swap long (%)-6
Commission150 / mio
Fixed leverage1:20
Hedged margin50%
Minimum contract size (lot)0.01
Contract size minimum increment (lot)0.01
Minimum price increment (tick size)0.01
The time of trading session16:31-22:59
Term currencyUSD

"Grafiklar" bo‘limida amerikalik va yevropalik aksiyalarga CFD bo‘yicha online-kotirovkalar taqdim etilgan. Oldingizda - Activision Blizzard, Inc. (ATVI) bo‘yicha kotirovkalar grafigi. Activision Blizzard, Inc. (ATVI) grafigini yangilash zarurati yo‘q, chunki yangi narxlar ekranga oqim rejimida namoyish etiladi (haqiqiy vaqt rejimida). Ular bo‘yicha siz Activision Blizzard, Inc. (ATVI) narxining harakatini joriy dinamikasini kuzatishingiz yoki kelajakda savdo instrumentining o‘zini tutishini tahlil qilishingiz mumkin.

Taqdim etilgan grafik tashqi manbadan olingan kotirovkalarni aks ettiradi, va faqat tanishtirish maqsadlari uchun mo‘ljallangan. Uning maʼlumotlari kompaniya platformalarida savdo instrumentining haqiqiy kotirovkalari va bajarilish narxidan farqlanishi mumkin.

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